The Challenge
The Challenge

Resorts World Genting (RWG), a renowned key destination for the casino crowd in Malaysia, has approached frog to establish a highly personalised and fuss-free mobile app experience targeted at the domestic non-gaming customers.

Resorts World Genting (RWG), a renowned key destination for the casino crowd in Malaysia, has approached frog to establish a highly personalised and fuss-free mobile app experience targeted at the domestic non-gaming customers.

How Might We...
How Might We...

Create an app that elevates the digital experience for the domestic non-gaming customers of RWG?

Create an app that elevates the digital experience for the domestic non-gaming customers of RWG?

The Approach
The Approach

To gain a comprehensive understanding of RWG's current situation, we conducted a 5-week research initiative with the following activities:

Audit Review: Analysing past reports to gain preliminary understanding of challenges and personas, forming the foundation for validation and discovery.

Desk Research: Evaluating the app in detail to understand existing capabilities and identify gaps/ potential areas for improvement.

Deep Dives: Conducting 5 deep dives and 1-on-1 sessions with key stakeholders to comprehend existing processes, pain points, blockers, and team wish lists.

Persona Validation: Further investigating established personas, the team selected 3 out of 8 for in-depth understanding.

To ensure our strategy and features align with the domestic non-gaming market, we’ve crafted our focus on these prioritised personas: the Family Adventurer, the Experience Seekers, and the Couples Escape, ensuring representation and relevance.

Creating Signature Moments with You, For You

Based on the identified personas and insights derived, frog proposed 10 key features/ functions to enhance and elevate RWG's digital offerings.

Click on each of the tabs below to view the enhanced features/ functions

Home Screen & Menu

Hotel Booking

Personalised Trip Planner

Store Directory

Store Wayfinder

Restaurant Directory

Restaurant Reservation

Digital Food Ordering

Loyalty Rewards

Loyalty Catalogue

Home Screen & Menu

Creating Signature Moments with You, For You

Based on the identified personas and insights derived, frog proposed 10 key features/ functions to enhance and elevate RWG's digital offerings.

Click on each of the tabs below to view the enhanced features/ functions

Home Screen & Menu

Creating Signature Moments with You, For You

Based on the identified personas and insights derived, frog proposed 10 key features/ functions to enhance and elevate RWG's digital offerings.

Click on each of the tabs below to view the enhanced features/ functions

Truly Seamless & Fuss Free

RWG highlighted the need to optimise the customer's hotel booking experience, in hope to boost direct bookings via the super app. Through audit review and desk research, we identified the key pain points below:

Complex login process

Short timeout session

Inconsistent user experience during room booking

Absence of 'Book Now' CTA after viewing a room

Unclear room availability

Insufficient information on new features like digital check-in and digital keys to encourage customer adoption

Non-functional digital 360˚ room view

In collaboration with the RWG team, we revamped the in-app hotel booking experience, ensuring seamlessness, simplicity, and personalisation. Additionally, we’ve also tailored hotel packages with popular activities and attractions, streamlining pre-arrival planning for customers and boosting of sales across RWG's offerings.

Truly Seamless & Fuss Free

RWG highlighted the need to optimise the customer's hotel booking experience, in hope to boost direct bookings via the super app. Through audit review and desk research, we identified the key pain points below:

Complex login process

Short timeout session

Inconsistent user experience during room booking

Absence of 'Book Now' CTA after viewing a room

Unclear room availability

Insufficient information on new features like digital check-in and digital keys to encourage customer adoption

Non-functional digital 360˚ room view

In collaboration with the RWG team, we revamped the in-app hotel booking experience, ensuring seamlessness, simplicity, and personalisation. Additionally, we’ve also tailored hotel packages with popular activities and attractions, streamlining pre-arrival planning for customers and boosting of sales across RWG's offerings.

Truly Seamless & Fuss Free

RWG highlighted the need to optimise the customer's hotel booking experience, in hope to boost direct bookings via the super app. Through audit review and desk research, we identified the key pain points below:

Complex login process

Short timeout session

Inconsistent user experience during room booking

Absence of 'Book Now' CTA after viewing a room

Unclear room availability

Insufficient information on new features like digital check-in and digital keys to encourage customer adoption

Non-functional digital 360˚ room view

In collaboration with the RWG team, we revamped the in-app hotel booking experience, ensuring seamlessness, simplicity, and personalisation. Additionally, we’ve also tailored hotel packages with popular activities and attractions, streamlining pre-arrival planning for customers and boosting of sales across RWG's offerings.

The Outcome
The Outcome

frog tailored-made a super app that encompasses all RWG offerings within customers’ fingertips making it highly accessible and effortless, creating a true escapade above the clouds to get the break they deserve. Embodying the real meaning of ‘The Ultimate in Your Hands’.

frog tailored-made a super app that encompasses all RWG offerings within customers’ fingertips making it highly accessible and effortless, creating a true escapade above the clouds to get the break they deserve. Embodying the real meaning of ‘The Ultimate in Your Hands’.

Key Takeaways
Key Takeaways

Managing the expectations of multiple key stakeholders and fulfilling their requests.

Managing the expectations of multiple key stakeholders and fulfilling their requests.


Working on a comprehensive desk research and competitor analysis to propose best-in-class design solutions.

Working on a comprehensive desk research and competitor analysis to propose best-in-class design solutions.


Though having a clear design direction is good while leading, being open, receptive and adaptive to inputs from team members are equally important as well.

Though having a clear design direction is good while leading, being open, receptive and adaptive to inputs from team members are equally important as well.

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